We are the Lucky Ones

We hope you find peace, joy, and comfort in this space we want to create with and for you.

Our Mission & Vision

Lucky Cats Rescue, founded in 2021, is built upon this mission:

Our Mission is to foster a unique community & sanctuary where the therapeutic power of cats, music, & art cultivates healing, comfort, and support for individuals navigating everyday life, grief, & trauma.

Our Vision is to be at the forefront of creating space away from social media, fostering connections between cats and humans, harnessing the combined power of feline companionship, music, and the arts to aid in the support of our community.

Welcome to our


Lucky Cats Rescue welcomes you to our place, away from the noise

  • Our Mission is to foster a unique community & sanctuary where the therapeutic power of cats, music, & art cultivates healing, comfort, and support for individuals navigating everyday life, grief, & trauma.

  • Our Vision is to be at the forefront of creating space away from social media, fostering connections between cats and humans, harnessing the combined power of feline companionship, music, and the arts to aid in the support of our community.

  • We Offer lifetime care for the cats in our sanctuary program, while showcasing their natural personalities and love of life, in spite of their previous experiences and physical disabilities.

  • We Collect real-life stories to highlight the impact of animals, art, and music from around the globe. We also collect trusted free resources for those in need of support with real-life struggles.

A message from the founder of Lucky Cats Rescue about what we aim to create:

“What I hope to create with you in this space is our online sanctuary, a place for all who need a moment, a place of calm, compassion, support, and even laughter when the world is too loud. No social media required!! While I aim to build our Sanctuary and Community center to bring cats and humans together physically in the future, I know that I want those who cannot be with me locally to enjoy and share the benefits now.

I want to build and share a space with those who know how animals, art, and music have helped us through the hardest of times, to create a space to grieve and celebrate, and to encourage you to be fully and truly who you are. Cats know how to do one of the things that most people struggle with when someone is living with difficult emotions, events, and traumas. Ask anyone, and they will say their cat “just knew,” and they sit with you.  They don’t try to fix or say all the well-meaning but hurtful things people do, they sit with you. There is extreme power in sitting with someone in their pain and struggles, and we want to create a space to do that here: no judgment, no pressure, a safe place to sit and share. Without the comments of others. Just sharing and taking in.

In this online sanctuary, you can enjoy all the cat videos, photos, and stories of the resident Sanctuary Kitties. Get exclusive updates about our programs and advocacy work to show why animals, art, and music have been crucial to my life and so many other people's lives and mental health.”

Holly Jane

Founder of LCR/Cat Mom/Boss Bitch

We believe in the therapeutic power of:

  • Art

  • Music

  • Cats

These three elements have a lot in common when it comes to self-care. Whether we’re aware of their benefits or not, they surround us every day.

From arriving home after a long day to greeting our beloved kitty companions, singing along to our favorite song in the car, or engaging in a craft project to relax and keep our hands busy, these activities all have a positive impact on us. Lucky Cats aims to create a new space where these elements can come together.

All the Kitties, All the Time.

Cat Videos all the time! When you need them, take a break without the distraction and overstimulate that is social media. A variety of videos for different moods and moments, short and long, calming or silly, cat content curated for your everyday.

Supporter Benefits

A Place to Share Our Truths.

A safe place we aim to share our stories and yours without the stress and discomfort that comes with sharing openly on social media. Here you will be amongst other humans that ACTUALLY get it! We know why cats are so crucial to our lives, and we want to create a new type of palace to support instead of shame.

Exclusive Updates & Stories.

Find out about updates and happenings exclusive to this community. Be in the know without having to search the internet for information or missing something because of an algorithm. All the info in the order we share, when you need it.

Exclusive Merch and Cat Toys.

Now, your cat toy and gift purchases fully fund this organization! A portion of proceeds from the handmade gifts and items featured on Tats & Lucky Cats Marketplace is donated and used to maintain the LuckyCatsRescue.org website and lifetime care for the cats in the Sanctuary Program. Your cats love our catnip blends, and you love watching them go crazy for our handmade toys knowing it helps fund our mission.

Our Programs

LCR's cats are given lifetime refuge in our Sanctuary Program. These cats have come into my care over the years and have been there for me just as much as I have been there for them. They are undeniably social, full of their own unique stories and personalities, and mostly full of joy.

Meet Potato & Her Squad

They are the Lucky Ones

Be sure to visit the Moody Meows page to take a “Paws” and watch cat videos for every mood.

Dedicated to those that have impacted my life and inspire me to keep up the good fight

Always & Forever in my heart