Meet Our Sanctuary Cats
Our gentle giant, Jack 🧡
Meet Jack 🧡
Jack is now the old man of the house but can still throw down on playtime with the young kitties. Jack and his twin sister, Little Sister, have been doing twin things for 13 years now and are just the sweetest ginger kitties ever. Jack has been a really big brother to his bitty friend Potato, and has watched out for her, letting her chase him for many years now. Jack is also a patient snuggler but very demanding that he has access to my right arm specifically when he deems it in need of cleaning. I never knew the love of a ginger cat until Jack & Little Sister arrived in my life and I’m forever grateful for that.
Smashing Pumpkin (foster name)
Mega Manface
Handsome mannnn!
Jack & Little Sister were born in September of 2011 and adopted 8 weeks later!
When Jack wants some love, he is not afraid to be a little vocal but respectful about it. His favorite place is to snuggle up to my right side and hug my arm so he can clean it for me. But specifically, my RIGHT side, not the left! He knows the difference!
Spinny ball scratcher, flying feathers and catnip!
All of them!
There is a joy Jack & Potato share in their former antics, having a blind 3 lb. cat chase after a giant ginger dude is heartwarming. But watching him slow down and wait for her to catch up and then run again, is even better. He is a good big brother to all his kitty friends here.
"I Wanna Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles
Jack’s Rescue Story:
Adopted in the sketchy backroom of a pet store. Jack and Little Sister were being kept together as a bonded pair because they’ve been a very bonded pair from the moment of birth. I got them when they were 8 weeks old. Jack’s foster name was Smashing Pumpkin and Little Sister was named Twisted Sister. I loved them from the moment I saw their tiny little faces!
Jack's Content!
Jack's Content! 🧡
Enjoy this gallery of photos and videos to get to know Jack a little better.
Be sure to visit the “Moody Meows” page for more video featuring Jack and his friends.
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