Welcome to our Sanctuary

Lucky Cats Rescue welcomes you to our place, away from the noise

A message from the founder of Lucky Cats Rescue about what we aim to create:

“What I hope to create with you in this space is our online sanctuary, a place for all who need a moment, a place of calm, compassion, support, and even laughter when the world is too loud. No social media required!! While I aim to build our Sanctuary and Community center to bring cats and humans together physically in the future, I know that I want those who cannot be with me locally to enjoy and share the benefits now.

I want to build and share a space with those who know how animals, art, and music have helped us through the hardest of times, to create a space to grieve and celebrate, and to encourage you to be fully and truly who you are. Cats know how to do one of the things that most people struggle with when someone is living with difficult emotions, events, and traumas. Ask anyone, and they will say their cat “just knew,” and they sit with you.  They don’t try to fix or say all the well-meaning but hurtful things people do, they sit with you. There is extreme power in sitting with someone in their pain and struggles, and we want to create a space to do that here: no judgment, no pressure, a safe place to sit and share. Without the comments of others. Just sharing and taking in.

In this online sanctuary, you can enjoy all the cat videos, photos, and stories of the resident Sanctuary Kitties. Get exclusive updates about our programs and advocacy work to show why animals, art, and music have been crucial to my life and so many other people's lives and mental health.”

Holly Jane

Founder of LCR/Cat Mom/Boss Bitch


Food vs. Social Media - Part One