I fundamentally have an issue with people that talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk. So, I've been needing to watch my own cat videos recently as with added stress comes the “phone in hand, doom scroll coping mechanism”. We all do it, even when we can fully acknowledge it doesn't leave us feeling good or having given us that break we were so desperately looking for. Although I have detoxed from social media, the root cause of needing the detox is still there, the cell phone.

The pocket computer.

The ultimate fidget. 

For me, after I deleted Instagram from my phone, I soon realized I switched to a different, never ending, full of bullshit app. Apple News. Hear me out. That's when I truly felt my problem with social media was only part of the story. Why did I suddenly know this much shit about so many celebrities - who I could literally give a fuck about. I was trying to get away from being overwhelmed and overstimulated by other people's stuff on IG. And now, I know the same amount of shit, maybe more, about people, just with more money or “influence”. Same bullshit, all processed and made for the internet, ready for our insatiable appetite, and full of sugar and empty, mindless calories. 

I love some of the good things that technology and even social media can bring to the table. I can acknowledge it. However, we have got to acknowledge that a lot of us are guilty of making the following statements: 

“I don’t even know why I'm on this thing.” 

“I just wasted so much time looking at nothing.” 

“Why do I keep picking this thing back up?”

The answer is “BECAUSE THEY WANT YOU TOO!” Just keep scrolling, just keep scrolling. #itsfine The app people need you to keep picking it back up, they need you to keep scrolling, they need you to keep doing the things. That’s how they get paid! That's how they get your information. That's how they learn how to keep manipulating or “influencing” you. There are countless studies that show a lot of us are much more anxiety filled creatures since smartphones became a thing. Since social media has changed communication, turning it into a “quantity over quality” nightmare. I for one, am completely over this!

I am thankful I know life before smartphones and social media and apps. I started my career as a tattoo artist before I owned a cell phone. I even know what it was like before Google Images changed our world for the better.I started self-branding before I owned a computer. I had my first website built before Myspace came on the scene. I’m grateful as fuck for this knowledge, even more so as I’ve watch tattooists that have been doing this longer than me seem to forget and get trapped in the social media scramble. 

I’ve always known I don’t always fit in the world the way others want me too. I’m used to being the weirdo in a group of weirdos, and doing things differently. Fuck, I built a whole tattoo studio around offering something different. I’m proud as fuck about that. And now after all these years of being in the minority when it comes to social media and cell phones, I’ve been cooking up something to help break the habit (If you choose too).

I bring you something new, in an old-fashioned way. Bum bum bummmmmm. A website. Yup, old-timey technology, right (winky smiley face)? And what was the thing that the internet and interwebs was created for? CAT VIDEOS!! I challenge you to start giving yourself some relief from the day and watch some cat videos, take a “paws” with these Meows. No social media required! These cat videos are here when you need them, no matter what mood you are in. When you need to take a break but are more tired of just defaulting to picking up your phone and going straight to social media and start that “stress scroll”; STOP. You have an alternative now. No ads. No bullshit. Just cats doing cat things. With mood matching instrumental music mixed in to boot. For all of us that started out using things like social media and YouTube to watch cats doing what they do and warming our souls, these videos are for you. 100%. 

Sort through the videos by their mood or just bounce around and mix it up. Cats and music and art can have a huge impact on us, without the use of words. This new website is focused to showcase the everyday benefits to our lives and mental health of these 3 things. No matter where in the world you are or what language you speak, art, music, and animals connect us all,and are accessible to everyone. 


From the Founder Video Series - Food vs. Social Media