Meet Our Sanctuary Cats

Meet our Queen B, Lil Kim 🖤

Baby Boss Bitch, Lil Kim 🖤

Lil Kim is one of the sweetest Welcoming Committee you could hope for. Kim is the head of this Empire and Queen B at LCR Headquarters. She is with her Mom regularly as Lil Kim is her Emotional Support Cat. She is the little bean that inspired this organization to become a thing. She shows what the power of a cat or kitten could do for people emotionally - especially after Kim’s litter started coming to work with Holly, due to their age and constant care and needs.

  • Kimins

    Sweet girrrl

    Baby Boss Bitch

    Bitty Bestie

  • Rescued May 2, 2021, at approx. 2.5 weeks old.

  • Sitting by your feet or under your chair. Nose/face lickins.

    So. Many. Lickins.

  • Definitely the piece of wire with pieces of paper attached to it. And her Sparkles!! Also Mom's glasses. Anything she can chase down the hall, especially snacks!

  • Crunchy things, primarily if she can chase them down the hall. Her “forbidden snack” of choice is plastic though, although that’s when Mom and Kim disagree on snacks.

  • If Kim could be held like a baby all day and allowed to sleep like that, she would. 🖤 She has been instrumental in the foundation of Lucky Cats Rescue and is the best side-kick her Mom could ask for.


  • "Go Awff" by Lil Kim (the REAL Lil Kim)

Lil Kim’s Rescue Story:

  • She was found in an abandoned factory in Lowell with her 3 siblings and brought to the MSPCA. I started fostering and bottle feeding them at 2.5 weeks old. And then she was home. The end.

    *I knew she was mine when I saw her photo from the MSPCA. The photo was just of her ass and I named her Lil Kim and the rest is history!

Kimin's Content!


Kimin's Content! 🖤

Enjoy this gallery of photos and videos to get to know Lil Kim a little better.

Be sure to visit the “Moody Meows” page for more video featuring Lil Kim and her friends.

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