Welcome to our dedicated page aimed to curating trusted links related to various aspects of real life and mental health. We strive to provide an easy & reliable resource where you can discover valuable websites covering topics such as well-being, grief, mental health support, and more.

We encourage you to share websites that have personally benefited you for review and possible inclusion in our curated list, helping us build a community-driven repository of trusted resources.

(Real) Human Resources

We believe in the diversity of individual experiences and preferences. Please note that the information provided on this platform is intended for informational purposes only. We are not medical professionals, and the content here should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional diagnosis or treatment. Always consult qualified healthcare providers for personalized medical advice tailored to your specific needs.


Health & Wellbeing

Columbia Health-Go Ask Alice


Go Ask Alice! is an anonymous health and well-being question and answer site. We answer the questions that readers can’t find anywhere else. Whether it’s about a spot on your skin, questions about certain substances, or a sexual fantasy, Go Ask Alice! has you covered. If you can’t find the answer to your question already on the site, then Go Ask Alice!.

All the questions on the site are from our anonymous readers. The Go Ask Alice! team never submits or creates its own questions.

Planned Parenthood


Planned Parenthood is the nation’s leading provider and advocate of high-quality, affordable sexual and reproductive health care for all people, as well as the nation’s largest provider of sex education. With nearly 600 health centers across the country, Planned Parenthood organizations serve all patients with care and compassion, with respect, and without judgment, striving to create equitable access to health care. Through health centers, programs in schools and communities, and online resources, Planned Parenthood is a trusted source of reliable education and information that allows people to make informed health decisions. We do all this because we care passionately about helping people lead healthier lives.

National Woman's Health Network


We maintain an intersectional focus on sexual and reproductive health, maternal health and the health and well-being of aging women. We work to improve women’s health outcomes through state and federal advocacy, consumer health education, and grassroots technical assistance initiatives.

National Abortion Federation


The mission of the National Abortion Federation is to unite, represent, serve, and support abortion providers in delivering patient-centered, evidence-based care.

Abortion Care Network


Founded in 2008, Abortion Care Network (ACN) is the national association for independent community-based, abortion care providers and their allies. Together, we work to ensure the rights of all people to experience respectful, dignified abortion care.

Independent abortion providers care for the majority of people seeking abortion in the U.S. – often serving individuals and families with the fewest resources and in the most rural parts of the country. As a network, ACN is a driving force behind the movement to normalize abortions – for providers, individuals, and communities.

Women on Web


For the last 17 years Women on Web has pioneered safe abortion services through mail, paving the way for remote and discreet abortion care around the world.

We are an international team of help desk workers, activists, researchers, medical providers, and digital rights advocates, specialized in finding solutions to getting abortion pills into the most restricted contexts.

Our team has supported more than 100,000 people to access safe and affordable online abortion care centered around the rights, privacy and preferences of women and pregnant people.

Exhale Pro-Voice


Our Pro-Voice approach centers each individual’s unique context, family, culture, and abortion experiences. We follow your lead, hold nuance for you, and support you in tending to your wellbeing in a way that feels best for you. Through this Pro-Voice, abortion-positive approach, we have supported thousands of people over the years!

Nonjudgmental, supportive, peer Pro-Voice counseling looks like:

Valuing your emotional wellbeing and welcoming your full range of emotion after abortions.

Approaching you as a whole person, recognizing that many facets of your life are part of your abortion experiences.

Respecting and working within your belief systems (religious, spiritual, cultural, social, and political) to support your needs.

Working with you as you discover new strategies to support your emotional wellbeing.

Reflecting back your strengths so they can be a resource for you as you face challenges, learn, and grow.

MSI Reproductive Choices


Our teams work across 36 countries and six continents, supporting over 93,000 women and girls to access reproductive healthcare — including abortion and contraception — every day.

With the help of our partners and donors around the world, we open doors, advocate for change, and strengthen public and private sector provision. We go further than anyone to make reproductive choice possible, and ensure quality reproductive healthcare is available for the long-term.

By supporting women and girls to make the choices that are right for them, we can make a huge impact within a generation — increasing gender equality, breaking cycles of poverty and contributing to several sustainable development goals.

We choose choice, because when we choose choice the whole world wins.



Scarleteen is a progressive, inclusive sexuality and relationships education, information and support organization and digital clearinghouse. There hasn’t ever been and still isn’t anything else online quite like it. We’re a unicorn⁠!

Founded in December of 1998, Scarleteen is visited by about 4 million people from all around the world each year -- thousands of whom we speak with directly -- most between the ages of 15 and 30. We were one of the first and remain one of the few websites and organizations focused on directly providing sex⁠, relationships and bodies information and support for and to young people. We're also one of the rare and remaining independent, grassroots feminist media sources left online: we are not affiliated with any other organization, company or governmental agency. Our leadership, volunteers and contributors are mostly queer⁠, women, trans or gender⁠-expansive, diverse in our ethnicities, locations, embodiments and economic class, and quite a few of us live with disability and frequently are not or have not been considered generally respectable by people generally concerned with respectability.

Submit your trusted resources with us, so we can share them with others.

Resource Topics

(Real) Human Resources

Submit a Resource Link

Here we are asking for you to share your own trusted links and free online resources for others that may be just life you, and need some info and understanding. Its so hard these days to know where to find information or find it overwhelming.

If you have a free website that you know has provided some guidance, information, please take a moment and send it to us so we may add it to our (Real) Human Resources page. All websites will be screened before being added to the page. Be sure to tell us what you’ve found helpful so we have a better idea and can include that for others.

In a world where its becoming harder and harder to know who and what can be trusted, we want to help take some of the guesswork and energy needed to sort through it all.