Trans Community
(Real) Human Resources
Welcome to our dedicated page aimed to curating trusted links related to various aspects of real life and mental health. We strive to provide an easy & reliable resource where you can discover valuable websites covering topics such as well-being, grief, mental health support, and more.
We encourage you to share websites that have personally benefited you for review and possible inclusion in our curated list, helping us build a community-driven repository of trusted resources.
We believe in the diversity of individual experiences and preferences. Please note that the information provided on this platform is intended for informational purposes only. We are not medical professionals, and the content here should not be construed as medical advice or a substitute for professional diagnosis or treatment. Always consult qualified healthcare providers for personalized medical advice tailored to your specific needs.
Trans Community
Trans Lifeline
Trans Lifeline is a grassroots hotline and microgrants 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis – for the trans community, by the trans community.
National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network (NQTTCN)
National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network (NQTTCN) is a healing justice organization actively working to transform mental health for queer and trans Black, Indigenous and People of Color (QTBIPOC).
We envision a world where all people have access to health and healing resources rooted in healing justice and collective liberation to recover from trauma, violence, and systemic oppression. Through political education and field building, we work to create a future where health, mental health, and healing practitioners build power to intervene against the harm perpetuated by the medical-industrial complex while actively creating new liberatory ecosystems of care for our communities. We envision a world where our movement organizations are more resilient and strategic with the tools to navigate and collectively heal from violence, trauma, crisis, and uncertainty by organizing with politicized health and healing practitioners aligned with healing justice.
Point of Pride
Point of Pride offers support to transgender individuals seeking financial aid for healthcare and gender-affirming surgeries. They also provide resources related to mental health, especially for those struggling with the emotional stress of gender dysphoria or social rejection.
Transgender Law Center
Transgender Law Center is the largest national, trans-led organization working to set all people free. We champion the right of all transgender and gender-noncomforming people to make their own choices and live freely, safely, and authentically. Prioritizing BIPOC, disabled, and HIV+ communities, we advance community-driven strategies that harness trans knowledge, power, and joy to ensure that we all not only survive but thrive at all ages and phases of life.
TransFamily Support Services
TransFamily Support Services guide transgender/non-binary youth and their families through the gender transitioning process to help make it the most positive experience possible. We provide family coaching, assistance with healthcare and insurance issues, help navigating the legal system, and support at schools. All services are provided at no fee.
The Marsha P. Johnson Institute
The Marsha P. Johnson Institute (MPJI) protects and defends the human rights of BLACK transgender people. We do this by organizing our community, advocating for our people, creating an intentional healing community, developing transformative leadership, and promoting our collective power.
We were founded both as a response to the murders of BLACK trans women and women of color and how that is connected to our exclusion from social justice issues, namely racial, gender, and reproductive justice, as well as gun violence.
MPJI advocates for BLACK trans people who are resisting, grappling with survival, and looking for a community. We aim to demystify, diversify and expand opportunities for our community. We raise awareness and connectivity by sharing knowledge, providing resources, and engaging people to support our mission.
Trans Youth Equality Foundation (TYEF)
The Trans Youth Equality Foundation provides education, advocacy, and support for transgender and non binary children, youth, and their families. Our mission is to share information about the unique needs of this community, partnering with families, educators, and service providers to help foster a healthy, caring, and safe environment for all transgender children.
Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF)
Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund is committed to ending discrimination based upon gender identity and expression and to achieving equality for transgender people through public education, test-case litigation, direct legal services, and public policy efforts.
Submit your trusted resources with us, so we can share them with others.
Resource Topics
Therapy & Counseling
Mental Health
Domestic Violence
Health & Wellbeing
(Real) Human Resources
Submit a Resource Link
Here we are asking for you to share your own trusted links and free online resources for others that may be just life you, and need some info and understanding. Its so hard these days to know where to find information or find it overwhelming.
If you have a free website that you know has provided some guidance, information, please take a moment and send it to us so we may add it to our (Real) Human Resources page. All websites will be screened before being added to the page. Be sure to tell us what you’ve found helpful so we have a better idea and can include that for others.
In a world where its becoming harder and harder to know who and what can be trusted, we want to help take some of the guesswork and energy needed to sort through it all.